
Does CBD oil have side effects?

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What are the Common Side Effects of CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a popular natural supplement usually derived from hemp oil. Like all substances, CBD does have side-effects.  

CBD oil is becoming a popular alternative treatment for many people suffering from numerous medical conditions, especially those that are hard to treat. Many patients are prescribed harsh prescription pills for these particular conditions, and with the sometimes more serious side effects that come with these pills, it is no wonder that CBDs and alternative treatments are on the rise.

Here is actually just a short list of medical problems that CBD users have had help with: Crohn’s Disease, intractable epilepsy, chronic pain, inflammation, cancer, leukemia, disorders like schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, arthritis, PTSD, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, sleep problems, Parkinson’s Disease, and even addictions to anything from nicotine, alcohol, opioids and heroin.

Although it offers many benefits, CBD, like any other medication can elicit side effects. Most of these side effects decrease with time or by lowering the dosage of CBD. Following are some of CBD oil’s common side effects.

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One of the CBD side effects that many first-time users experience is sedation.

Although some users choose CBD oil specifically for its sedative properties (This is one reason its great for anxiety), it also should be noted that excessive sedation may indicate your dose of CBD is too high.

If you’re feeling too sleepy on CBD oil, you have the option to lower your dose. You can also wait it out. Once your body has adjusted to the presence of CBD and your tolerance builds, you will begin to feel more alert and less sleepy.

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CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause you to feel sleepy.
CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause you to feel sleepy.


People often reach for CBD for it’s sedating properties, but not everyone experiences sedation in response to CBD. Some people actually experience stimulation instead. Too much CBD at once can cause overstimulation and even mild anxiety.


Another common side effect of CBD oil is lightheadedness.

Again, this feeling of lightheadedness may be due to a high CBD dosage, decreasing your CBD oil dosage will likely eliminate this CBD side effect. Like sedation, lightheadedness also tends to subside once your body gets used to CBD.

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CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause you to feel lightheaded.
CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause you to feel lightheaded.

Dry Mouth

Some people experience a dry mouth sensation when they start CBD oil treatment. One reason for this is because CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid systems located in the submandibular glands. This has an inhibitory effect on these glands, resulting in decreased saliva production.

CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid systems located in the submandibular glands. This inhibitory effect can result in decreased saliva production.

Combat this CBD side effect, by increasing fluid intake. Pay attention to dental health, as some studies indicate chronic dry mouth can contribute to periodontal disease.

The dry mouth sensation will also fade as your body adjusts to CBD.

These are my favorite CBD Products.

CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause your mouth to feel dry.
CBD Side Effects: Too high a dose of CBD can cause your mouth to feel dry.

Changes In Body Temperature

CBD acts on the same TRP channels that capsaicin acts on. Capsaicin, the component that gives chili peppers their heat, raises the body temperature.

While THC lowers the body temperature, CBD can also affect thermoregulation and raise the internal body temperature.

Lowers Blood Pressure

CBD can impact blood pressure significantly. A 2017 study of adult males found that a dose of 600 mg can effectively lower blood pressure and maintain a lower pressure during stress.

We should add that CBD has MILD blood thinning properties. (The blood thinning capabilities of CBD is less significant than THC or CBN.)

These are my favorite CBD Products.


Rare Medication Interactions

It should also be noted, CBD can occasionally interact with prescription medications. This is because CBD utilizes the CYP450 metabolic in the liver. Interactions are not common but have occurred, and users should be familiar with the possibilities. Learn more here: Cannabis interactions with antidepressants. Cannabis interactions with antibiotics.

What Not to Expect

These are my favorite CBD Products.

CBD does not cause cardiac side effects.
CBD lowers blood pressure.

No Euphoria

You also won’t experience any intoxicating effects because CBD doesn’t activate the CB1 receptor like THC does. CBD does not produce the euphoria sometimes associated with cannabis and CBD does NOT make you feel high.

These are my favorite CBD Products.

Side Effects of CBD: CBD does NOT cause euphoria, it won't get you high.

No Addiction

You also don’t have to worry about addiction or dependence on CBD oil because CBD is not addictive. It does not produce drug-seeking behaviors because CBD has an inhibitory effect on the reward-and-pleasure centers of the brain.

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Side Effects of CBD: CBD oil is not addictive.
Side Effects of CBD: CBD oil is not addictive.


Studies show CBD carries a solid safety profile. Yes, like all substances, it can have side effects, but these side effects may be reduced by lowering the dosage. This may be corrected by buying a CBD oil that has a lower concentration of CBD.

These side effects of CBD oil are milder compared to those of most prescription pills.

If a low dose doesn’t cause a reduction in your targeted symptoms, then slowly increase your dosage until you find that perfect dose that can effectively control your symptoms.

If side effects again, decrease CBD oil dosage and increase the dosage very very gradually.

In time, you will find a dosage that works ideally for you.


These are my favorite CBD Products.

About the Author:
Joseph Rollin has a particular interest in the advancement of CBD studies and vaporization for its health benefits. Joseph is the founder of Pure Green Living, a leading CBD/420 related content magazine based in California. His ambition is to see the 420 trends become widely legalized into the mainstream.Trending Now

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